
Analysis by birthstone

by Baigalmaa
Sugar.mn staff
Analysis by birthstone
We are interested in various ways of analyzing people in order to get to know ourselves. Various methods of analysis, such as lipstick, palm line, etc., are unbelievable, but it is interesting that they match. You must be wondering how birthstones can express a person's personality. However, because the stones of the deposits are related to your birth month, they are connected to many things.

January - Pomegranate
You are very ambitious and ambitious. Very loyal and always working. respects his opinion. Very sensitive, likes to interact with people, teaches and learns.

February – Pink crystal
Your creative and intellectual power is compatible with your calmness and humility. Freedom is essential to you. Such people are usually bold and fight to achieve their dreams.

March – Aquamarine
These people are gentle, honest and generous. Loves quickly, likes to dream. A bit of mystery, peace and harmony are valued above all else.

April – Diamond
You are strong and aggressive, but you get along well with people. He is also brave and fearless, but wants to take care of himself. Loving, generous and motivated people.

May – Emerald
Very broad-minded, brave, stubborn, very understanding of others. He works hard and wants to make others happy.

June – Alexandrite
You are talkative and entertaining. He treats people well and knows how to make an impression. Sensitive, sensitive and kind. If hurt and wounded, it is slow to recover.

July – Ruby
Funny, pleasant, humane, clever people. You are emotional, but because you think and respect others, you don't always express your emotions and hide them. Because you are very optimistic, you can manage and solve any disputes and problems easily.

August – Binderya
Fearless and very realistic positive people. You have a unique ability to solve problems by considering the circumstances and causes, and people praise you for this quality.

September – Sapphire
You set very high standards, you care about others, you love new ideas, and you are innovative. There is also an artistry.

October – Pink tourmaline
Strong independent people. A friendly, sociable and pleasant person. He prefers harmony and avoids comparisons.

November – Molor
Ambitious, driven by his own motives, he does not lack for praise, but he likes the person who praises him. Intelligent and understands people.

December – Zircon
Energetic and cheerful people. Always on the move, always ready to experiment. People think of you as playful and generous because you always make people laugh.

