Sultan's Will:
1. His coffin should be carried by the best doctors of the Ottoman Empire
2. At this time, sprinkle gold coins and treasures along the road
3. From the coffin, the sultan's two hands were placed so that others could see them, and he wanted to show them to everyone.
The official, who could not believe what he had heard, asked him in fear what it meant, and Suleiman Kanuni said:
- People should see and know that the best doctors carry our corpses, and no good doctors are powerless in the face of death.
- To show that the scattering of my gold treasure, the wealth gained in this life, remains only in this life.
"Seeing my hand sticking out of the cup shows that even Sultan Suleiman Kanuni, the king of kings, is leaving this life empty-handed, and this is to show the simplest truth of life," he replied.
Sultan Suleiman Qanuni /1494-1566/ was an excellent athlete and famous king, who was nicknamed the Ottoman miracle of that time.