
Solving problems using a glass of water, the “Silva Method”
by Baigalmaa staff
Solving problems using a glass of water, the “Silva Method”
Photo by Manki Kim on Unsplash
The methods of controlling thoughts and emotions have been put forward at the world level of psychology, officially named as "Silva's method", and there are training centers in 20 countries of the world that provide training in this method. It is a simple method that can be implemented by a scientist named Jose Silva. let's introduce.

In life, when solving a problem, there are a lot of problems that cause doubt. At this time, listening to intuition and using the "Silva method" helps. Before going to bed at night, fill a glass with water, close your eyes, lift the glass of water as high as possible, and drink until it is half full. At this time, I need to think, "I have to find a solution to the problem I'm thinking about, that's all I have." Leave half the water and sleep peacefully. When you wake up in the morning, close your eyes, pour the rest of the water, and drink it thinking, "This is all I have to do to solve the problem I'm thinking about." After such programming, when you wake up in the middle of the night or in the morning, you may clearly remember a dream you had about a problem to solve, or you may have a spark of an idea or feeling from the depths of your consciousness, or an important meeting with information related to the problem. Is it too simple and unbelievable? However, this method works without a solution. Psychologists consider this method to be the most amazing of the "Silva methods" and explain it in connection with the fact that 78% of the human body consists of water, human genes and inner consciousness are the same, and all living tissues are derived from water. The glass of water method should be used only before going to bed in the evening, and it will not affect the inability to fall asleep after drinking, and the program has started to work. You can be sure that this method is effective. Good luck.

