People in the world we live in are divided into two camps. In the first camp, the majority, or those who live in constant expectation, belong. They wait for holidays, vacations, new presidents, new years, and everything else that can be expected. They live on TV, waiting for someone to tell them what to do, what to say, where to go, and wishing that someone would do things for them. They think that if the existing things are changed, everything will be fine.
On the other hand, there are people who take responsibility for their lives in both camps. They, planted by the majority, have gone through many trials and errors, and they are proud of it. They are the driving force of the world, and they carry themselves within it, and they live by the call of their heart and the infinite mysteries of the world. They never regret the past, they whisper a pleasant future in their hearts, and spend every moment of their lives sharpening their minds.
Neither camp is better or worse than the other. It has the same life span and dimensions. No one has the right to judge it. But the only thing we can do for ourselves is a choice, and it's important to make that choice every day to maintain a calm and rhythmic heartbeat. Listen to yourself and listen to your soul. The world is never to blame for our misfortunes and failures. I have no doubt that you will choose a life full of responsibility, the call of destiny, overcoming life's criteria...