Just getting out of bed and winning small victories restores and activates the ability to be stimulated to action, fills with motivation, enthusiasm and optimism. These small victories are called the domino principle. It can also be compared to a single drop of water in a cup, causing the water to ripple and form a circle. Small, regular actions can also trigger and fulfill subsequent actions that make waves in your life. As an example, the military attaches great importance to this principle of dominoes, and every soldier uses it as a mandatory procedure to make his bed according to the order. In 2014, Admiral W.M. Raven, in a speech to the graduates of the University of Texas at Austin, said, “During the Vietnam War, our advisors, trainers, and veterans demanded that our beds be made properly and that they be perfectly made. At that time, we thought it was funny to think that learning to fight well was the main thing. However, I found the reason behind that simple act later, and I realized that a simple act done in the morning is sufficient for the actions and activities to be done throughout the day.'' If you make your bed in an orderly manner every morning, it means that you have completed the first task of the day. By the end of the day, you'll know that you've accomplished a great deal because this action triggers smaller actions that follow. It also helps to understand the importance of these small daily actions and small things in life. If you can't do the smallest thing right, how can you do the big thing right? If you want to change the world, you have to start at home. So, identify three things you can do every morning that take no more than five minutes each and require no effort of self-discipline. For example, 1/ make your bed, 2/ brush your teeth, 3/ walk to work or school. These are the best ways to make the most of your day, and your little wins that add up to big wins. A well-made bed brings order to your life, improves self-discipline, and improves concentration. Cleaning your teeth is beneficial, it is the first step in taking care of your health, and it helps you to behave with confidence. Walking gives enough stress to the body and mind to stay energetic throughout the day and successfully perform the next tasks. In this way, the small victories of the morning lead to a person who is satisfied, motivated by what he has accomplished, and eventually becomes a great winner. Put your small morning actions to work with the dominoes principle and watch your life change.