
"I want to have money, lots of money!"
by Baigalmaa staff
"I want to have money, lots of money!"
When we talk about money, we always hear the words that we want to have more money, which shows that everyone needs to define their own finances and increase their financial knowledge. Having money problems not only shows that you're not handling money well, it also indicates that there is something wrong with money in your subconscious. No matter how many times you proclaim that you want to have a lot of money, it does not show that you have the soil ready to receive that much money. If you don't believe me, then I suggest you do the following exercise.

Close your eyes and imagine that your income has increased tenfold. Ask yourself the following questions and try to answer them. What do you do with this money right now? What to spend? Will the attitudes of your loved ones change? What will people think when you wear expensive clothes and drive a fancy car? Will your attitude change towards people with lower income than you? Do you think they are failures? Do you think that you are smarter than others? Will you be proud of yourself? How to use the power that comes with money? What do you need to save and protect your money? Will your outlook on life change? Lend large sums of money to acquaintances or relatives? Are there people who ask you that? How would you feel if you suddenly lost a lot of money? How do you save? When you answer these questions, you hesitated, or were uncomfortable, and your answers that you did not know at all reveal that "wrong thing" in your inner consciousness, therefore, from these answers, the most confused and did not know about money, by correcting that relationship, actions and actions It begins to work on your level of consciousness, and the soil for receiving money begins to form.
How to turn "I want to have money" into "I have money"? Psychologists recommend a simple approach to money. In the heart, it is necessary to accept and instill both scenarios: having money is a good thing, having a lot of money is good, and having little money is a problem. Wealth and money are not your property, but the property of the world in which we live. Therefore, money can be given and taken back. Also, it is necessary to stop judging people based on money and finances. The germs of thinking that people with money are successful and people without money are unsuccessful block our money flow. Try to understand and implement all this. May your desire to become a "Man of Money" come true.

