
Destiny and the subconscious
by Baigalmaa staff
Destiny and the subconscious
Even before the concept of psychological research appeared, the great ancient Greek physicians Aesculapius and Hippocrates knew about the "inner mind or subconscious", as Paracelsus mentioned in many of his works. In the 20th century, psychologist Sigmund Freud made a significant contribution to the development of psychology and psychiatry by researching the human mind divided into several layers.

Modern psychologists consider intelligence in two categories: conscious intelligence and unconscious intelligence. They are believed to exist separately and independently of each other, and the subconscious is defined as the unsolved, mysterious, and still-unsolved part of humanity that humanity has striven to unravel. For example: right now, while you are reading these lines, you are looking at the written page, thinking about the meaning of each word, and at the same time, you are listening to some nearby sounds, feeling the temperature of the air in your environment, and also feeling the positions of your hands and other organs. Also, at this time, you can feel rapid breathing and the tightening and weakening of body muscles. You, the conscious mind, have not received these things that you are experiencing at the same time. This is because your reading and comprehension activities are done mentally in your conscious mind, while other feelings are done in the non-conscious mind or subconscious realm. In this way, the subconscious perceives many things around us without excuses, and it perceives the whole reality in a much wider and deeper way than the perception of the unconscious subconscious, the conscious mind. Therefore, the exposed tip of the "iceberg" is metaphorically considered the conscious mind, and the vast base hidden from the water is the subconscious mind. Recent studies have shown that the subconscious mind is a powerful thing that can influence our destiny, storing everything in our lives like an archive. Therefore, it is believed that learning to listen to your subconscious mind can influence your destiny by bringing your conscious will and subconscious mind closer together. It affects our natural level of belief, in simple terms, believing that if we get sick, we will get well, and if we fail, we will believe that we will succeed. Believe that one's beliefs are a subconscious weapon to change one's destiny. Human internal resources and subconsciousness are inseparable forces. It should also be remembered that optimism is a wonderful opportunity to use your subconscious mind to serve you.

