Normal parents put their own interests and hobbies aside and care too much about their children. But smart moms and dads don't let themselves be left behind and teach their children to do the same.
Ordinary mothers and fathers do their children's homework together, almost all night long. A wise mother will teach her that she has to take responsibility for her homework. He helps those who cannot do it by themselves by teaching them how to do it.
Most of the parents, in case of failure or forgetfulness, buy gifts for their children. But smart people give their children a small amount of money and do actions that help them learn to spend, and they control and guide what they spend on.
Parents often take disciplinary action instead of finding the reason when their child misbehaves. But wise mothers and fathers try to find the reason and help them to solve it.
Normal parents want to raise their children to be successful and dignified. Smart parents, on the other hand, prefer to establish a close and warm relationship
Most mothers and fathers protect their children from various problems and participate even when they don't want to. But wise parents want to give opportunities to make mistakes to a certain extent, correct them, and learn from them.
Normal mothers and fathers do not like their children to cry and scream, and do not give them the opportunity to cry. It is used by children. But smart moms and dads will never leave their children on their brains. They respect their children's space as well as their own.