According to the theory of evolution, mankind has gone through thousands of years of transformation from ape to today's "shaved office worker". In addition, this theory of evolution is definitely still going on, and based on it, scientists are conducting various researches to determine what the human race will look like in 1000 years.
According to Canadian research center scientists, in 2050 people, robots and machines will merge and become similar, and people's eyes will become "abnormally large". Also, "life is getting longer" and scientists have discovered a way to make a person's face look "perfectly correct" at the genetic level. In 2050, people's free time will be longer and "Work" will not be needed.
According to Canadian research center scientists, in 2050 people, robots and machines will merge and become similar, and people's eyes will become "abnormally large". Also, "life is getting longer" and scientists have discovered a way to make a person's face look "perfectly correct" at the genetic level. In 2050, people's free time will be longer and "Work" will not be needed.
In the next 50 years, as robots begin to perform many tasks performed by humans, "robot surgeons" may be referred to as "enhancement of brain capacity" or "replacement of obsolete bio-organs".