
Ways to attract success and money by doing before the New Year
by Baigalmaa staff
Ways to attract success and money by doing before the New Year
Photo by Kostiantyn Li on Unsplash
The time before the New Year is considered to be a period of energy. Therefore, at this time, if you use the following specific methods, it is believed that good wishes will come true, and it is worth knowing about them, and if you can use them, I will bring you good luck. It is said that every deed is blessed.

- Thoroughly clean your home and office. The new year and everything new love purity. It is good to add essential oil to the cleaning water. It is also scented with essential oils. It provides aromatherapy and purification services and activates money energy.
- Take any ringing bell (souvenir, toy, etc.) and ring it in the corners of your home or office. This is the purification of sound. Nowadays, in developed countries, a new field of sound therapy is emerging and developing, so it cannot be denied.
- Stick a note on the mirror, no matter how much, the mirror must be very clean and not in the bathroom or hall mirror.
- Clean the entrance area and wash the entrance. Bad energy comes through a broken door.
- By writing down your unfulfilled wishes and tearing them into pieces and throwing them in the wind, you get rid of unfulfilled things. You have made room for new dreams, ideas and goals. Now sit down to look at the material wishes of the new year, with your back to the west, what?, how much? when? write to answer the three questions.
- It is said that it is good to activate the money energy of the northeast corner, so it is better to fix the Christmas tree and decorations in the northeast corner.
- Do not keep all broken and broken glassware and throw it away.
- Water faucets should not be dripping or leaking and should be repaired as soon as possible.
- Until the new year, if possible, every day at a certain time, you can light 8 red candles and fulfill your material wishes.

Apply these easy methods and welcome your new score with optimism and passion. Everything you do leads to something good. Happy New Year to you!

