
Habits of success and helping people like you
by Baigalmaa staff
Habits of success and helping people like you
Photo by Zac Durant on Unsplash
Why is it that some people are liked by the people around them without effort, while others have difficulty finding their place even if they try? By accepting and implementing the following things, it is helpful to deal easily with others, to be liked by others, to be satisfied in any environment, and ultimately to live a happy life.

Napoleon Hill, in one of the chapters of his famous book "Think and Think Rich", wrote about common habits and practices that everyone likes. Within this topic, the relationship habits, life path, and principles of steel industry magnate and billionaire Charles Schwab are exemplified based on interviews with him, as well as other people's, crowd-sourced definitions. Charles Schwab shows the story of how he went from being an ordinary worker to a management apparatus employee with a net salary of $75,000, which was considered astronomical at the time, in addition to regular bonuses. on the other hand, six-figure bonus awards are given for his outstanding talent in leading, motivating and involving others. Let's read and practice together these qualities and habits that lead to success that are considered outstanding talents, liked by people, and lead others.

- Being optimistic, he spreads it to others. Arrogance, status, and positional attitudes do not make others work hard, but optimistic attitudes have the charm to win over others easily.
- You should always treat others with kindness, courtesy and respect. People with this ratio are confident, so their speech is thoughtful, calm, pleasant to listen to, and thought-provoking.
- You need to be able to patiently listen to the person you are talking to. Domineering, trained and instructed attitudes cannot create the desire and motivation of others to work.
- You need to be able to control your emotions, because any positive or negative emotions can make others feel hopeless. Quiet advice and words are more valuable.
- Calm behavior. As long as the words and actions are the same, people will respect them.
- Openness and frankness. People who can't express things and are closed off can't implement many good ideas.
- Always smile when talking. Hill, in this example, American president Franklin Roosevelt's most valuable asset worth a million dollars was his wonderful smile when talking to others, this smile is the most powerful weapon to keep others open, to work for him, to keep them loyal, and to win over others. was written.
- He doesn't always express his thoughts. Even if the thought has a percentage of truth, it does not always hurt people by expressing it.
- Procrastination or procrastination. Slowing down or delaying indicates fear of action. It leads to unsatisfactory results.
- Every day, it is important to do something good for others. Helping others without asking for anything in return.
- Never complains or gets depressed when things don't go the way you want, but look for something useful and take it as a lesson. Successful people are grateful for life, taking it as something to increase their intelligence.
- He treats and listens to everyone he interacts with as if he were the most important person in the world.
-He has the ability to encourage people by praising them sincerely, not by correcting or belittling them. Every good thing done should be praised.
- Successful people do not try to please others and do not pretend. He prefers to be as he is and works on his shortcomings. He has the ability to accept, listen to, and seek advice from someone who tells him about his shortcomings as something useful for self-improvement and personal growth.

