
Mind and slim body
by Baigalmaa staff
Mind and slim body
We are living in an era where the desire to be thin has become the dream of many women, and whole scientific and business fields have developed, such as various methods of weight loss, diets, weight loss pills, and weight loss exercises. It can be said that there is almost no one who has not used them and does not know them. However, we do not always know that a person's body shape is related to his thinking and energy.

Because our body shape depends on our thoughts, mood and satisfaction. For example, people lose weight when they're in love, they lose weight when they're depressed, and they lose interest in food. This is a clear example of how a person's appetite and weight loss process is related to the mind. Normally, we eat more food than we need due to our stereotypical thinking, and at the same time, we become obese because we don't use the energy we should, and we don't know that each food has its own energy, so we look for and eat what we like. Sweet things calm people, salty things focus, spices and sharp sweets keep people active, and bitter things have the energy of patience and perseverance. When a person falls in love with one of these, it shows the energy he lacks. If a person can be happy and joyful, he does not lack any of these, and does not need extra energy, so he stops paying attention to nutrition. While the human body can go without food for a long time, the mind is always looking for positive energy. If this positive energy or happiness is not there, they start eating whatever they like to make up for it. Therefore, it is believed that a positive state of mind has the ability to lose weight. Enjoying yourself every day, being optimistic, doing what you love, being satisfied and enjoying yourself is more effective than any weight loss method, and this method is very easy, wearing the clothes you like, doing what you like, going to a sauna massage, buying something nice. It means to enjoy yourself by doing things you enjoy, such as going out, having an intimate relationship with someone you love, dancing, or listening to your favorite music. So, starting today, live a joyful life and instead of feeding your body with sweets, feed your soul with positive thoughts. You will get great results. Your life will change, you will break away from the life you are used to and learn that it should be like this, and you will start to live in your own way and with your own pleasure.

A thin and slender body is not the goal of life, but a means to self-confidence in life, and people lose weight when they start to like themselves. But, is it necessary to dream of the body of professional models, which is installed in our consciousness, being thin is a beautiful body? Think about it. It's nice to be reminded that everyone has a unique beauty that God has given them. We should live with pride that we are not manufactured products of the same factory, but the creation of God, who will never be duplicated.

