
A message from a divorced man
by Baigalmaa staff
A message from a divorced man
Photo by Eric Ward on Unsplash
This is how Gerald Rodgers wrote about the mistakes he made after his divorce. He advised that, no matter how difficult the family relationship is, read the following things and fight to maintain the relationship, reminding them not to repeat their mistakes.

- Never stop caring. My biggest mistake was that I thought of my wife as something that I had to have and was obligated to do. Don't forget that you have chosen him yourself, so he should be like a sacred treasure to you.
- In addition to protecting her heart, you must also protect your own heart from other women. Your wife should also cherish her own heart.
- People are always changing. Life will not continue as it was after marriage and will change. Together, every day, you need to do everything to restore and maintain your initial relationship.
- Always see the good in him. In such cases, love grows.
- Don't try to change it. Don't discourage them. In this case, he, himself, begins to change, and you will love more and more.
- Take all responsibility in your own hands. Your happiness is not your wife's care. Whatever you want for him, he will make you happy. If you work hard to make your family happy, your family will be happy.
- Don't blame him. By stabilizing your emotions, you will see how your relationship changes.
-When he is angry, this is life, and it is up to him whether he wants to spend life in this way or not, but don't worry that I am your support. He, choose yourself. It is not solved by leaving. Stay calm until you realize that you are not dependent on his feelings. I get bored myself. Otherwise, it goes by itself.
- Learn to laugh like a fool. Make him laugh. Laugh together. Laughter makes life easier.
- Every day, try to understand the mood of your wife. If necessary, write down ten things that will lead to a happy life with him. Try to follow it. Help her become confident like a queen and loving and caring like a queen. You are the king. Create such a hierarchy in your family. There are no quarrels or insults in the royal family.
- Listen carefully to what he is saying. Think of yourself as the most respected customer.
-Sex is the deepest way to get into each other's hearts. Always cherish.
- Don't be stupid, but also don't be afraid to be stupid. You will make mistakes. He makes mistakes too. But you have to admit your mistakes and try not to lose more, and it's okay to look stupid for 24 hours once a week.
- Give him personal space and freedom.
- Share your feelings.
- Be honest. There is nothing better than mutual trust.
- Strive for spiritual growth together. If you don't exercise and don't move, your muscles won't work. Similarly, expand your mind and develop your relationships with a common purpose. Make a plan together.
- Don't focus too much on money. Money is a resource of life to manage together. Hiding money from each other is an irreparable mistake. Having separate financial pursuits is the most harmful. Financial independence, life will be independent. Life together is lost.
- Forget your grievances, learn to forgive. Remembering the mistakes of the past makes the future unhappy. Only forgiveness saves from this
- Love is the most important thing. This is the one thing that can change everything. By choosing love and cherishing love, you can overcome everything and become happy. Love is patient. Marriage is not just a life together, it is a work that requires constant effort. Work like replacing old bricks with new ones every day. Family happiness depends on the relationship between them.
Put each other in their place and look out for each other. Advise women not to create unbearable things. We delayed it too late. Don't repeat our mistakes.

