
Lessons from Osho
by Baigalmaa staff
Lessons from Osho
These lessons will lead to future life. If you have a problem with a planned solution or not, read the following lessons.

1. Love
A king had to choose a successor to his throne and did not know which of his twin sons to choose. Both of them, both intelligent and brave, were equal rivals. The king gave his two sons a bag of flower seeds, saying that whoever kept them well would become the king. The first son kept the seed in a beautiful chest. The second son planted the seed. After 3 years, when the king called his sons and ordered them to bring the seeds, the first son's seeds had rotted in the casket, but the second son brought a beautiful flower and said, "I will harvest your seeds as soon as they are fully grown," thus fulfilling the condition of becoming king.
- For you, you should treat things like seeds and implement them. To love. To plant. Otherwise, no one will need it.
2. Confrontation
A merchant who was passing by a plantation saw a slave and stopped and fed him with pity. The slave told him, "everything passes, and this will also pass." After 3 years they met again. The slave had become rich, and after rewarding the merchant with valuables, the latter spoke. The next time the merchant saw the corpse of the man who had become rich after being a slave. When he read the inscription on the stone, "everything passes," he thought, well, this is not something that passes. After several years, the merchant saw that the body had sunk into the soil and thought that everything would pass.
- For you: if what is happening is not in line with your wishes, don't put effort into fighting it, it will resolve itself.
3. Accept yourself
A king was walking in his garden early in the morning when he noticed some withered plants and trees and thought like this. It was withering and dying because it could not grow as tall as an oak or a pine tree, because a pine tree could not bear fruit like a vine, and a vine could not produce a fragrance like a rose. There was only one single flower that had bloomed to the basket, and, to the king's question, you planted me to be just this, and I know that I cannot be anything else. So I decided to be the best of my kind.
- For you: God would have created anyone easily. You were born into this world because you are needed. So respect God's decision and accept yourself as you are.
4. Sage
A toothless, gray-headed rich man came to the palace doctor and sighed, - I would lie down with my eyes closed and dream that the beautiful concubines of the palace were sitting like flowers, and as soon as I entered, they all disappeared through the secret door, the palace doctor, - are you going to get the medicine you need to get rid of this dream? When asked, rich old man, - no, no! I just need a way to close those secret doors.
- For you: people would be happy if they lived contentedly with what they have. But there are many people who care about other people's things. Attention.
5. Common things
A philosopher had only one pair of shoes. When I went to the cobbler to have my shoes repaired, the cobbler said, "I'm closing now, you can leave the shoes and pick them up tomorrow." The philosopher said, "I don't have any other shoes." When the philosopher said, "I don't wear human shoes," the cobbler said, "Why don't you always carry human thoughts in your brain?"
- For you: in this world, what is destined to be yours is only your thoughts, so you should pay attention. Other items may be public.
6. Energy
Angulimala had a bad relationship with people, so she decided to make a necklace out of the fingers of a thousand people, and she got 999 fingers. Then she met a wise man. It is said that the man knew about Angulimal's incident and stopped him by saying that if you can break a branch of this tree and put it back together, keep doing it.
- For you: use your energy for the right things or your energy will turn into anger
7. Road lighting
A philosopher and a common man were lost in the dark night. At this time, when the philosopher thought about the meaning of the problem, the common man left to his fate. Then suddenly there was lightning, the philosopher was looking at the sky and did not see anything, he went off the path and got lost, but the common man was looking before and managed to find the right way.
- For you. Look carefully ahead and walk forward with confidence. Take advantage of even the smallest opportunities that flash like electricity. Philosophy is a process of intellectual thought and reason, so it does not lead to anything.
8. Gratitude
In the evening, an old woman pilgrim came to the village looking for a family to spend the night, but no one would let her in. The tired woman fell asleep under an apple tree on the outskirts of the village, and when she woke up in the middle of the night, she saw a beautiful apple tree blooming in the moonlight. She stood up and looked at the village, thanking you all for not letting me in for the night. After that, a famous and unique painting was created by that woman.
- For you: learn to accept everything that life gives you with gratitude. Both satisfaction and sadness develop a person.
9. Faith
A hunter got lost in the jungle for 3 dayswhile walking, he met another lost person and happily hugged him. Then when they asked each other why they were so happy, the first one said:- I got lost and lost hope of meeting someone, the other said:- I got lost and was happy that I met someone to show me the way, now we are lost together.
- For you: A person can be satisfied even when he is alone. This is happiness. However, there are times when both are not happy.
10. Outside the family
When Jesus was little, his mother and father were talking to the missionaries, and his father came to him and asked him, "What are you doing here?" "We searched a lot," he said, "I am here with my spiritual father."
-sooner or later, a child always independently separates from his parents and follows his mind. Independence of body, mind and spirit is always needed.
11. Heaven's Gate
A samurai from a book teacher, are there gates to hell and heaven? Where is it? asked. The monk said, "Who are you?" said, "I am a samurai". "Then you are a wanderer." The angry samurai drew his sword, and the monk smiled and said, "This is Hell and Heaven." These two things exist within us. It is said that reckless actions open the gates of hell and good deeds open the gates of heaven.
- For you: Control your actions and emotions.

