
When a person sits for 12 hours a day, what changes occur in the body?
by Baigalmaa staff
When a person sits for 12 hours a day, what changes occur in the body?
It's no secret that sedentary people are treated by people who really want to curl up on the couch after work. After staring at a screen at work or struggling with paperwork, we prefer to sit down when we come home, and we sit for at least 12 hours a day. But, by nature, we are not meant to live sitting, and even a chair was not meant for us from the beginning, but people created it themselves. It is said that the natural world has determined from the beginning that we should be in constant motion and be alive in order to live and be alive.

You might think that it is an exaggeration to say that every moment of sitting is killing our life. But our body is an organism, made up of joints, limbs, muscles and tendons designed for constant movement, therefore, these are flexible. When you sit for a long time, you feel like you are tired and your legs are stretched out, these are the first symptoms that show the body's innumerable diseases such as muscle weakness, cardiovascular disease, lack of blood supply, diabetes, and obesity. In a sedentary state, obesity occurs when blood and fat processing slows down by 1-fold, and blood circulation slows down, and brain tissue can no longer get the necessary energy. At this time, because we can't sit properly, the back joints press against each other, the space in the chest cavity decreases, and we can no longer get enough oxygen, and the nerve endings located in the back are compressed, causing spinal disease.

We are "animals" who are destined to live by movement, like other animals, but due to the influence of development, we lose our natural qualities, we create and strive to create a lot of things that avoid movement, and we intend to destroy ourselves without even knowing it. It is extremely unfortunate that our bodies, our first natural instincts are weak, our minds are blind, and the thought that we should move is pulsating in our brains, but we ignore the modern style of life and prepare the "nest" of diseases by ourselves. We need to understand that illness is not only a warning sign of our body's immobility, but also a warning sign that reminds us to evaluate our body. The natural world is reminding us that the time has come to remember that there is no other way out than to take good care of our bodies and value movement on our feet...

