
Words of genius about family and marriage
by Baigalmaa staff
Words of genius about family and marriage
Photo by Joanna Nix-Walkup on Unsplash
The family is a temple of happiness, a place of refuge from danger, the most important thing in human life, and it is an inseparable micro-environment of the individual in which he can grow and develop or be destroyed and destroyed. Here are some thought-provoking and mind-blowingly weighty quotes from geniuses about family.

If you want to cherish the real truth, look for marriage and love. In other words, there are no lies when you are searching. Camus A.
A couple who do not fully know their own character, habits and morals before getting married often end up in unhappy marriages. O. Balzac
The best thing a father can do for his children is to love them. T. Hesberg
Marriage follows love like smoke after fire. R. Stevenson
Family life is not always full of joy. Being able to share not only joys but also pains, difficulties and misfortunes shows a true family. V. A. Sukhomlinsky
A wife who does not push her husband forward always pulls her back. D. Mill
A wife is not a secret lover, but a life partner, friend, companion. Therefore, you need to prepare early on that you will love her even in her old age. VG Belinsky
The secret to a happy marriage is to count your bad times as coincidences and not see your coincidences as bad luck. A. Morua
A happy marriage is one where the husband understands the unspoken words of his wife. A. Hitchcock
Family starts with children. AI Herzen
The meaning and purpose of the family lies in the upbringing of children. The greatest school of upbringing is the relationship between husband and wife and parents. V. A. Sukhomlinsky
A person who builds his life with his own efforts without mutual understanding, builds his house on a volcano that is full of fire. AI Herzen
If you are afraid of loneliness, don't get married. A.P. Chekhov
Ingratitude is the saddest thing, and even more disgraceful, is a child who does not thank his parents. LK Wovenargh
The key to family life is patience. Love doesn't last long. A.P. Chekhov
If you meet a good son-in-law, think that you have a son. But if you meet a bad son-in-law, you will even lose your daughter. Democritus
There is no family that does not influence each other. In a family where love reigns, it is easy to see. But where there is no love, it turns into tragedy. Tagore.R
Getting married means taking away half of your rights and doubling your responsibilities. With L. N. Tolstoy
A happy person means a person who is happy at home. With L. N. Tolstoy

