
Diseases of the body appear on the face
by Baigalmaa staff
Diseases of the body appear on the face
Photo by Elisa Photography on Unsplash
Diseases of the body are manifested on the face, and learning to distinguish which organs are giving signals is necessary for early diagnosis and treatment of diseases.

Cardiovascular disease
A flushed face, bluish lips, bluish face color, and a bluish-red tip of the tongue indicate cardiovascular disease. When the heart is bad, a large follicle about 1 cm is formed under the eye. Also, toothache is related to the heart. High blood pressure is known when the cheeks are flushed with blush.
In case of kidney problems, the face becomes grayish and too white. Dark circles appear under the eyes and the face swells. Another sign is the ear. The entire ear turns red-blue-purple. Upper and lower toothache is a sign of kidney changes. But the formation of pink circles under the eyes is a symptom of bladder inflammation.
Liver, pancreas, gall
In these diseases, the face, whites of the eyes, tongue, and both sides of the tongue are yellow. The upper and lower third teeth become hypersensitive, and fine lines form in the middle of the eyebrows and around the eyes.
Stomach and intestines
When the stomach is upset, the face becomes very dry and gray. Cracked lips /dysbacteriosis/, black spots on the lips /hairworm parasites/. Sudden pain in the upper and lower 4-7 teeth is a warning to consult a doctor immediately. An extremely white color on the tongue and a reddening of the lower lip are a warning sign of constipation and poisoning and the need to go to the hospital.
A sweaty, moist, blue face indicates lung problems. If the tip of the tongue is white and the color of the cheeks is brown-gray, it is a respiratory disease. See a doctor immediately. A sign of a source in the lungs.
Hormonal system
A moist face, sensitive teeth, inflamed tongue, and bleeding gums are signs of hormonal changes. If pregnant women notice this condition, consult a doctor immediately. May cause miscarriage.
Excess and deficiency of vitamins
Red cheeks-Magnesium deficiency. Pale skin under the eyes, pale lips, pale face is iron deficiency. If the tongue turns brown, it means that you are using too many vitamins.
Sweating on the face can be caused by nervousness and overwork and is a reminder that you need to rest.
Endocrine system
A dry, earthy face, puffy eyes, and the appearance of capillaries around the tip of the nose are signs of a problem with the endocrine system. It shows diabetes and thyroid disease.

It is always useful to notice these and know your illness, and it allows you to consult a doctor for early diagnosis and treatment.

